Friday, April 4, 2008

Pets - Mascotas


A pet or companion animal is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment, as opposed to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic reasons. The most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful characteristics, for their attractive appearance, or for their song. Pets also generally seem to provide their owners with non-trivial health benefits; keeping pets has been shown to help relieve stress. There is now a medically-approved class of "therapy animals," mostly dogs, who are brought to visit confined humans. Walking a dog can provide both the owner and the dog with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction.

Koko the gorilla is one of few examples of a non-human animal which has had an explicit pet. Using sign language, she requested a cat; her first pet was a kitten named All Ball, to which she was reported to be quite attached and mourned for several days after the cat escaped and was killed by a car.



Una mascota es un animal, persona u objeto animado que es escogido como representante visual, identificador o símbolo para representar a un grupo de personas, una institución, una empresa, una marca o un evento.

Para hacer de mascota, se acostumbra a utilizar la imagen más o menos transformada de un animal que tiene una relación, a veces bastante remota, con el grupo o el acontecimiento que representa.

La palabra es de origen reciente y proviene del provenzal mascoto, que quiere decir sortilegio. Se popularizó cuando el compositor francés Edmond Audran compuso la opereta "La Mascotte", estrenada en París el 30 de diciembre de 1880, que estuvo más de un año en cartel ininterrumpidamente debido al gran éxito que obtuvo.

Source: Wikipedia

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